Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile

OPPORTUNITÀ - Sito tematico ENEA

Setac Europe 28th Annual Meeting

Call for abstract - Deadline: 29 novembre 2017

E’ aperta fino a mercoledì 29 novembre 2017 la CALL FOR ABSTRACTS  per l’evento annuale della SETAC Europe, che  si terrà a Roma dal 13 al 17 maggio 2018.

Il programma scientifico è costituito da 7 sessioni parallele, per ciascuna delle quali sono previste diverse sub-sessioni.

Call  for abstract

1. Ecotoxicology and Human toxicology: from molecules to organisms, from omics to in vivo
1.17 Synthetic indices for the integration of ecotoxicological data:perspectives and limits of current methods, and new approaches (Sonia Manzo, Simona Schiavo, Renato Baudo)

3 - Environmental chemistry and exposure assessment: analysis, monitoring, fate and modelling
3.3 Air Pollution, Biomonitoring and Human Health (Luisella Ciancarella, Carmela Tortorella, Dominique Courcot)
3.17 Modelling and monitoring of pesticides fate and exposure in a regulatory context (Bernhard Gottesbueren, Laura Padovani)

5. Life cycle assessement and foot-printing
5.3 Emerging technologies and related raw materials requirements scenarios: the role of life cycle thinking (Laura Cutaia, Grazia Barberio, Serena Righi, Alessandra Bonoli)

6. Environmental policy, risk management and science communication6.6 Nanomaterial risk from research to management: a concerted action among academia, research, industry and policy makers towards a global approach (Simona Scalbi, Sonia Manzo, Grazia Barberio, Francesca Pacchierotti)
